The Catholic University of Applied Sciences regularly invites their international partners to attend congresses and events. In this way, it creates new opportunities for academic exchange and network formation.
In 2019, the first International Congress on Social Glocalisation took place. Noted researchers in social work, health sciences and practical theology representing 35 countries gathered for three days to address the challenges posed by glocalisation for their disciplines. During the three-day conference, the participants discussed glocalisation with regard to migration, transformation and local communities.
Their talks have been printed in volume 34 of the proceedings of the Catholic University of the Applied Sciences of North Rhine – Westphalia.
Hans Hobelsberger (ed.) (2021): Social Glocalisation and Education.Social Work, Health Sciences, and Practical Theology Perspectiveson Change, Opladen. Berlin. Toronto
Another international congress is planned for 2022.
Eva Franzke
Referentin der Rektorin / Dezernentin für Akademische Angelegenheiten
Köln, Dezernat VI - Akademische Angelegenheiten
International Online SymposiumSTATE OF CHILDREN’S RIGHTS – An International Comparison
On 12 December 2020, around 100 people from around the world attended State of Children’s Rights, an international online symposium that examined children’s rights and their enforcement in international comparison. The symposium focuses on innovative social projects to strengthen children’s rights in specific countries.
The participants – students, researchers, professionals, partner universities – came to discuss experiences and challenges in individual countries and collected ideas for further partnerships and projects.
The symposium was organised by Karla Verlinden, a professor of educational science at the Cologne campus. Pointing to the different backgrounds and nationalities of the participants, Verlinden stated in her opening remarks that “We all speak different languages, but we have one thing in common: We all care for children‘s rights and we want to empower children’s rights.”
Prof'in Dr. Karla Verlinden
R308, Sozialwesen